Way of Blue


Pale blue sheepskin parchment detailing the moon
of an ancient accord.

Increases max HP by 10% whilst worn.
Enables the collection of Grateful Souls
from enemies.

Members of the Way of Blue are the beneficiaries
of an ancient accord. When a dark spirit
threatens them, a blue spirit will grant them
assistance, and help root out the invader.


Given by High Priestess Emma.

Priestess Emilia acts as its covenant leader.


Devotion Level Offerings required Emblem Effect
I None Increases max HP by 10%.
II 10 Grateful Soul Increases max HP by 15%.
III 20 Grateful Soul Increases max HP by 20%.
IV 30 Grateful Soul Increases max HP by 25%.
V 50 Grateful Soul Increases max HP by 30%.

List of Rewards

Reward Offerings required Souls Required
Divine Blessing 2 Grateful Soul 100
Hidden Blessing 2 Grateful Soul 100
Heide Lance 15 Grateful Soul 9,000
Heide Greatlance 15 Grateful Soul 14,000
Dragonrider Halberd 15 Grateful Soul 1,500
Royal Swordsman Sallet 3 Grateful Soul 7,000
Royal Swordsman Breastplate 3 Grateful Soul 10,000
Royal Swordsman Gauntlets 3 Grateful Soul 7,000
Royal Swordsman Leggings 3 Grateful Soul 7,000
Gwynevere's Urn 10 Grateful Soul 100

Enables the drop of the following items when defeating any enemy:


Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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