Spook Image
spell-type.png Category Common Sorcery
damage-type.png Effect Type Buff/Self/Utility
spell-fp.png FP Cost 100
slots-used.png Slots Used 1
soul-value.png Sell Price 100
intelligence.png Intelligence faith.png Faith
20 0


Sorcery developed by a certain surreptitious
sorcerer at Vinheim Dragon School.

Masks noises of the caster, reducing enemy detection via sound by 100%,
as well as preventing fall damage for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 25% while active.

Effect duration can be extended.

Their mastery of this sorcery alone allows
Vinheim spooks to demand handsome payment
for their services.


Mask noise of caster and prevent Fall Damage, reducing enemy listen by 100% for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 25% while active.

Spell Ascension

Mass Spook

Applies the effect to self and allies in a radius of 8 meters.




Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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