Heavenly Relief
Heavenly Relief
Heavenly Relief Image
spell-type.png Category Common Miracle
damage-type.png Effect Type Utility/Self
spell-fp.png FP Cost 100
slots-used.png Slots Used 1
soul-value.png Sell Price 100
intelligence.png Intelligence faith.png Faith
0 30


Miracle of stray souls.

Boosts equipment load by 25% and reveals summon signs without using an ember.
Lasts 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 15% while active.

Effect duration can be extended.

Be that as it may, this miracle has been passed
down from soul to soul, providing a tiny ray
of hope for the lost.


Increases max Equipment Load by 25% and reveals developer messages and summoning signs while unembered for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 15% while active.

Spell Ascension

Divine Relief

Increases Equipment Load boost to 40%.




Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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