Witch's Ring
Witch's Ring
Witch's Ring Image
Weight Weight 0.5
Sell Price Sell Price 150


The Witch of Izalith and her daughters,
scorched by the Flame of Chaos, taught humans
the art of pyromancy and offered them this ring.

Reduces the FP consumption of pyromancies by 7.5%.

Every pyromancer is familiar with the parable that
tells of the witches espousing the need to fear
the flame, and teaching the art of pyromancy to
men in hopes that they might learn to control it.


Reduces the FP consumption of Pyromancies by 7.5%.

Ring Version Effect
Witch's Ring Reduces the FP consumption of Pyromancies by 7.5%.
Witch's Ring +1 Reduces the FP consumption of Pyromancies by 10%.
Witch's Ring +2 Reduces the FP consumption of Pyromancies by 12.5%.
Witch's Ring +3 Reduces the FP consumption of Pyromancies by 15%.
Witch's Ring +4 Reduces the FP consumption of Pyromancies by 17.5%.
Witch's Ring +5 Reduces the FP consumption of Pyromancies by 20%.


Dropped by a Mimic found in the Catacombs of Carthus.

Ring Version Acquisition
Witch's Ring Dropped by a Mimic found in the Catacombs of Carthus.
Witch's Ring +1 Obtained through Affixing.
Witch's Ring +2 Obtained through Affixing.
Witch's Ring +3 Obtained through Affixing.
Witch's Ring +4 Obtained through Affixing.
Witch's Ring +5 Obtained through Affixing.

Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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