Skull Ring
Skull Ring
Skull Ring Image
Weight Weight 1.0
Sell Price Sell Price 150


One of Courland's transposed wonders.
Derived from the soul of a Soulfeeder.

Boosts physical attack by 15% but reduces
damage absorption by 10%.

The Soulfeeder was a beast that insatiably
absorbed souls to feed its own power.
Even after its accursed corpse was burned,
it is said that the pungent stench of souls
left the air permanently stained.


Grants 15% boost to Physical damage, but reduces absorption by 10% and increases enemy target priority of player by 0.02.

Ring Version Effect
Skull Ring Grants 15% boost to Physical damage, but reduces absorption by 10% and increases enemy target priority of player by 0.02.
Skull Ring +1 Grants 20% boost to Physical damage, but reduces absorption by 10% and increases enemy target priority of player by 0.02.
Skull Ring +2 Grants 25% boost to Physical damage, but reduces absorption by 10% and increases enemy target priority of player by 0.02.
Skull Ring +3 Grants 30% boost to Physical damage, but reduces absorption by 10% and increases enemy target priority of player by 0.02.
Skull Ring +4 Grants 35% boost to Physical damage, but reduces absorption by 10% and increases enemy target priority of player by 0.02.
Skull Ring +5 Grants 40% boost to Physical damage, but reduces absorption by 10% and increases enemy target priority of player by 0.02.


Found in the Undead Settlement.

Ring Version Acquisition
Skull Ring Found in the Undead Settlement.
Skull Ring +1 Obtained through Affixing.
Skull Ring +2 Obtained through Affixing.
Skull Ring +3 Obtained through Affixing.
Skull Ring +4 Obtained through Affixing.
Skull Ring +5 Obtained through Affixing.


Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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