Sigil of Darkness
Sigil of Darkness
Sigil of Darkness Image
Weight Weight 1.0
Sell Price Sell Price 1,000


One of the lost rings of Azzarek.
A formidable magesmith, her enchanted rings were said to be the finest ever made.

Increases dark attack by 30.
Only affects melee attacks.

The gem pulsates with magical energy when in presence of abyssal armaments.


Boosts the Dark damage of Weapons by 30.

Ring Version Effect
Sigil of Darkness Boosts the Dark damage of Weapons by 30.
Sigil of Darkness +1 Boosts the Dark damage of Weapons by 40.
Sigil of Darkness +2 Boosts the Dark damage of Weapons by 50.
Sigil of Darkness +3 Boosts the Dark damage of Weapons by 60.
Sigil of Darkness +4 Boosts the Dark damage of Weapons by 70.
Sigil of Darkness +5 Boosts the Dark damage of Weapons by 80.


Found in Irithyll Dungeon.

Ring Version Acquisition
Sigil of Darkness Found in Irithyll Dungeon.
Sigil of Darkness +1 Obtained through Affixing.
Sigil of Darkness +2 Obtained through Affixing.
Sigil of Darkness +3 Obtained through Affixing.
Sigil of Darkness +4 Obtained through Affixing.
Sigil of Darkness +5 Obtained through Affixing.


Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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