Runic Seal
Runic Seal
Runic Seal Image
Weight Weight 2.0
Sell Price Sell Price 1,000


The seal of an ancient order.
It bares an uncanny resemblance to that of a wolf.

Whilst below 50%, ironskin is applied to the wearer.
Ironskin boosts Physical absorption by 20%, reduces elemental absorptions by 20%, prevents stagger and increases attack deflection by 65.

It is said that members of this ancient order were unmovable in battle, standing resolute no matter the foe.


Whilst below 50% HP, Ironskin is applied to the wearer.
Ironskin boosts Physical absorption by 20%, reduces elemental absorptions by 20%, prevents stagger and increases attack deflection by 65.

Ring Version Effect
Runic Seal Whilst below 50% HP, Ironskin is applied to the wearer.
Ironskin boosts Physical absorption by 20%, reduces elemental absorptions by 20%, prevents stagger and increases attack deflection by 65.
Runic Seal +1
Runic Seal +2
Runic Seal +3
Runic Seal +4
Runic Seal +5


Ring Version Acquisition
Runic Seal Firelink Shrine - Transposed from the Soul of Aborr.
Runic Seal +1
Runic Seal +2
Runic Seal +3
Runic Seal +4
Runic Seal +5


  • The absorption buff lasts for 5 seconds after restoring the HP past the required threshold, and it can be extended.

Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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