Mound Makers


A malformed vertebra found by the mad, with a
queer symbol on its inside, proof of the shackles
of the Gods.

Increases physical damage by 5% whilst worn.

Enables the collection of Vertebra Shackle from

The mound-makers wish only to add to their
mounds, becoming mad spirits whether summoned
as co-operators or invaders. They are blithe to
those around them, for in their minds, any kill
might lead to another shackle.


Given by Holy Knight Hodrick in the Undead Settlement before defeating the Curse-rotted Greatwood, or obtained after helping Sirris of the Sunless Realms defeat Hodrick.

Given by the Sacrificial Altar in the Undead Settlement.


Devotion Level Offerings required Emblem Effect
I None Boosts Physical damage by 5%.
II 10 Vertebra Shackle Boosts Physical damage by 7.5%.
III 20 Vertebra Shackle Boosts Physical damage by 10%.
IV 30 Vertebra Shackle Boosts Physical damage by 12.5%.
V 50 Vertebra Shackle Boosts Physical damage by 15%.

List of Rewards

Turned in at the Sacrificial Altar in the Undead Settlement
Reward Offerings required Souls Required
Warmth 15 Vertebra Shackle 10,000
Hollowslayer Greatsword 15 Vertebra Shackle 20,000
Bloodlust 10 Vertebra Shackle 16,000
Chariot Lance 15 Vertebra Shackle 21,000
Sunset Shield 15 Vertebra Shackle 7,500
Sunset Helm 3 Vertebra Shackle 2,000
Sunset Armor 3 Vertebra Shackle 4,000
Sunset Gauntlets 3 Vertebra Shackle 2,000
Sunset Leggings 3 Vertebra Shackle 2,000

Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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