Changelog 2.13
# Classes
- Added Athlete class.
- Added Ashen Pyromancer class.
- Added Carthus Warrior class.
- Added Chef class.
- Added Crab King class.
- Added Forgotten Knight class.
- Added Monk class.
- Added Reaper class.
- Added Royal Swordsman class.
- Tweaked Acolyte class, now Dragon Knight class.
- Tweaked Captain class.
- Tweaked Cleric spells.
- Tweaked Herald stats, changed spells.
- Tweaked Heretic stats to mirror new Skeptic stats.
- Tweaked Hermit equipment.
- Tweaked Hunter weapons.
- Tweaked Jester spells.
- Tweaked Madman armor.
- Tweaked Marksman class, now Huntsman class.
- Tweaked Paladin stats, changed spells.
- Tweaked Priest class.
- Tweaked Pyromancer stats.
- Tweaked Sentinel armor.
- Tweaked Skeptic spells.
- Tweaked Sorcerer armor.

# Transformations
- Added "Visual Transformation" menu to Jiji.
 - This allows you to select the old writ/elixir/oil effects.
 - These selections persist through loading.
 - Added Body Tint effects: these change the specular color, basically a more subdued phantom aura.
 - Oil effects are now categorised under "Weapon Emission".
 - Writ effects that affected the body are categorised under "Body Emission".
 - Writ effects that affected the head are categorised under "Head Emission".
 - Writ effects that affected the eyes are categorised under "Eye Emission".
 - Elixir effects that affected phantom color are categorised under "Body Aura".
 - Elixir effects that affected humanity form are categorised under "Humanity Aura.

- Added "Armor Transformation" menu to Jiji.
 - This allows you to select a head and body armor override.
 - These selections persist through loading.
 - Added following armor transformations:
  - Wanderer Set
  - Carthus Swordsman Set
  - Royal Swordsman Set
  - Vordt's Set
  - Throne Watcher Set
  - Throne Defender Set
  - Mirrah Cap
  - Smelter Demon

- Removed Writ items.
- Removed Elixir  items.
- Removed Oil items. 
- Removed Insignia items.
- Removed Emblem items.

# Blade of Champions
- Blade of Champions is found near to the Firelink Shrine bonfire.
- Added Curent Journey information, telling you which mode you selected and the current journey count.
- Added an 'Achievements' system, replacing the Relic system that Magnum Ursus had.
- You can complete 4 achievements:
 - Defying Death
  - Kill the Soul of Cinder without dying once.
  - Rewards the Relic of Eternity.

 - Untouchable
  - Kill the Soul of Cinder without being hit once.
  - Rewards the Relic of Swiftness.

 - Flameless
  - Kill the Soul of Cinder and only light the necessary bonfires required to reach him.
  - The bonfires you are allowed are listed in the submenu.
  - Rewards the Relic of Sanctification.

 - Sword and Board
  - Kill the Soul of Cinder having never rolled once.
  - Rewards the Relic of Protection.

 - Stormageddon
  - Kill Nameless King while only be able to walk.
  - Rewards Titanite Slab.

- Relic of Power/Insanity/Legends/Myths items have been changed into the new relics.

# Magical Restraints
- Astrologer Lillian can now apply magical restraints to you.
 - Mostly for self-made challenges or for achievements.
 - Added Restraint: Roll, which blocks rolling
 - Added Restraint: Backstep, which blocks backstep
 - Added Restraint: Jump, which blocks jumping
 - Added Restraint: Sprint, which blocks sprinting
 - Added Restraint: Run, which blocks running (and sprinting)
 - Added Restraint: Kick, which blocks kicking

# Soul Coalescence
- Replaces Masteries.
- Shrine Handmaiden can grant you a boon in exchange for souls when you are at 99 in a stat.
 - Strength: boost equipment load by 30%.
 - Dexterity: boosts max stamina by 30%.
 - Intelligence: boosts max FP by 30%.
 - Faith: boosts max HP by 30%.
 - Luck: boosts soul absorption by 30%.

# General
- Added i-frames to Backstep.
- Added Curse inflict as a visible value in the menu to weapons that have it.

# Weapons
- Added i-frames during certain animation for Silver Knight Straight Sword, Short Bow & Beasthunter Saif.
- Adjusted the stat requirements for the Hex catalysts.
- Increased root motion for several weapon:
 - Silver Knight Straight Sword - Weapon Art Light Follow-up
 - Claws - Weapon Art Heavy Follow-up
 - Caestus - Weapon Art Light & Heavy Follow-up
 - Chariot Lance - Warcry First R2 (1H & 2H)
- Increased poise damage for Lance Class.
- Increased damage & decreased stamina costs for Lance's running R1 attack.
- Lance's fully charged R2 is now consists of six attacks/uncharged R2 is now consists of four attacks.
- Added burning model to Fire infused Fume Slated Swords.
- Meat Cleaver and Server now restore 1.5% HP per hit.
- Old Wolf Curved Greatsword has a new passive: Recovers HP with successive attacks, restoring 2% + 75 HP per attack once triggered.
- Bloodlust and Bewitched Alonne Sword now consumed 10% of the max hp per weapon art usage.
- Bewitched Alonne Sword's Seppuku now lasts 45 seconds and inflict 30 Curse build up per attack.
- Demon's Axe and Demon King's Greataxe Weapon Art now grant bonus fire damage like Boom Hammer.
- Updated some weapons' damage type.
- Change moveset for the below weapon:
 - Greatsword:
  - Sunlight Greatsword (Oath of Sunlight)

 - Curved Greatsword:
  - Server (Spin Slash).
  - Pontiff Knight Greatsword (Frost Blade).
  - Carthus Curved Greatsword (Spin Slash).

 - Ultra Greatsword:
  - Ivory King Ultra Greatsword (Ivory King's Valor).

 - Great Hammer:
  - Kirkhammer (Righteous Slam)

 - Katana:
  - Washing Pole (Storm's Fury).

 - Curved Sword:
  - Nil Bow and Blade (Black Hand's Cunning), now a paired weapon.
  - Carthus Shotel, now have a new weapon art (Carthus Cunning).

- Added several shield catalysts:
 - Disc Chime (Casts Miracles, Lightning affinity).
 - Sanctum Shield (Casts Sorceries, Miracles & Pyromancies, Dark affinity). 
 - Loch Shield, changed into a shield catalyst (Casts Sorceries, Magic affinity).

# Armors
- Added the following set:
 - Wanderer Set (Boosts max stamina).
 - Carthus Swordsman Set (Boosts Slash damage).
 - Royal Swordsman Set (Boosts Standard damage).
 - Vordt's Set (Boosts Strength).
 - Throne Watcher Set (Boosts magic defence).
 - Throne Defender Set (Boosts lightning defence).

- Tweak several set's effect:
 - Royal Soldier Set (Boosts Thrust damage).
 - Ironclad Set (Boosts Strike damage).

# Spells
- Pungent Blade is now a Pyromancy.
- Removed the sound/VFX that occurs under a spell summon.
- Reduced the damage of Fire Surge to 40, removed the stagger and reduced shoot interval to 0.2
- Reduced the damage of Lightning Surge to 40, removed the stagger and reduced shoot interval to 0.2
- Reduced the FP cost of Lightning Surge to 10.
- Changed Explosive Soul Spear to Swift Soul Spear.
- Increased FP cost of Soul Eruption to 100.
- Chaos Beam now penetrates map.
- Lingering Chaos now causes knockdown.
- Teleport is now a Golden Sorcery. Changed its visual effect.
- Changed Supreme Pungent Blade to Noxious Blade, inflicts 30 Toxic on hit.
- Changed Pulsating Blade to Myiatic Blade, inflicts 20 Bleed every second for 5 seconds. Consecutive hits do not stack.
- Changed the damage type of several Physical spells (Standard/Strike/Slash/Thrust).

- Added new spells:
 - Sorceries:
  - Crystal Orb. Dropped by the Crystal Sage in the Grand Archives.
  - Soul Instability. Transposed from Soul of Aldrich.

 - Pyromancies:
  - Geyser. Sold by Cornyx after giving him the Carthus Pyromancy Tome.
  - Drizzle. Found in Archdragon Peak.
  - Pulsating Mud. Sold by Cornyx after giving him the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome.
  - Bubble Wall. Sold by Cornyx after giving him the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome.
  - Black Star. Transposed from the Soul of Darkeater Midir.

 - Miracles:
  - Lightning Orb. Transposed from the Soul of Dragonslayer Armour.
  - Static Field. Sold in the Warriors of Sunlight covenant.
  - Squall. Sold in the Dragon Remnants covenant.
  - Slicing Wind. Found in Farron Keep.
  - Gale Force. Sold in the Dragon Remnants covenant.
  - Cyclone Blast. Found in Lothric Castle.
  - Whirlwind. Transposed from the Soul of the Ancient Wyvern.
  - Blast Wave. Transposed from the Soul of the Nameless King.
  - Blood Resonance. Sold by Karla after giving her the Deep Braille Divine Tome.
  - Blood Orb. Found in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley.
  - Blood Corruption. Dropped by the Beast of Lust.
  - Blood Sacrifice. Found in the Profaned Capital.
  - Blood Crystallization. Found in the Cathedral of the Deep.

- Conjuration:
 - Added Mark of Attraction:
  - Brands an enemy, making them take on a red form.
  - Attracts conjured allies to them.
  - Lasts 10 seconds.
  - Sold by Conjurator Ellie.

 - Added Banishing Ritual
  - Banishes all conjured allies early.
  - Sold by Conjurator Ellie.

# Rings
- You can no longer buy the Relic of Power/Insanity from Magnum Ursus while in Mythic mode.
- Reduced the power of Ring of Blades: 
 - Increases physical damage by 30/40/50/60/70/80.
- Reduced the power of Sigil of Magic: 
 - Increases magic damage by 30/40/50/60/70/80.
- Reduced the power of Sigil of Flame: 
 - Increases fire damage by 30/40/50/60/70/80.
- Reduced the power of Sigil of Thunder: 
 - Increases lightning damage by 30/40/50/60/70/80.
- Reduced the power of Sigil of Darkness: 
 - Increases darkness damage by 30/40/50/60/70/80.

- Added Eyri's Signet:
 - Increases slash damage by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
 - Transposed from Corrupted Gundyr.
 - Affixable.

- Added Ofydd's Signet   
 - Increases strike damage by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
    Transposed from Champion Gundyr.
 - Affixable.

- Added Ifanna's Signet  
 - Increases thrust damage by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
    Transposed from Pontiff Sulyvahn.
 - Affixable.

- Added Grufudd's Signet
 - Increases standard damage by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
    Transposed from Fallen Protector.
 - Affixable.

- Changed Relic of Power into Relic of Swiftness: boosts movement speed by 50%.
- Changed Relic of Legends into Relic of Eternity: reduces weapon stamina consumption by 50%.
- Changed Relic of Myths into Relic of Sanctification: boosts max HP, FP and Stamina by 50%.
- Changed Relic of Insanity into Relic of Protection: boosts all absorptions by 50%.

# Items
- Reduced Tarnished Coin and Cursed Tarnished Coin to 3 stacks.
- Changed the animation use of Rouge/Crimson Water to Consumable.
- Added on use and ongoing visual effects to some consumable items.
- Bloodthirsty Draconic Might and Bloodthirsty Draconic Fury no longer stop movement on use (they only slow down).
- Increased the range and Poise damage of Bloodthirsty Draconic Fire. It now also ignores shields.

# Conjurations
- You can now configure Body Emission, Body Aura  and Body Tint for each of your conjured allies.
 - This allows you to add a visual effect/phantom glow to your conjured ally, making them easier to spot.
 - This is done via Conjurator Ellie.
 - The visual effect/phantom glow can be different for each conjured ally.

# Bosses
- Moved the Marauder into the Lonely Hollow area.
- Changed the Marauder boss start to a normal fogwall start.
- High Lord Wolnir:
 - Removed the skeletons that he spawns in.
 - Reduced the dormant time on Wolnir's attacks so he is a bit more active in terms of aggression.
 - Adjusted his health, absorptions and bracelets so that you'll need to break the bracelets to kill him most of the time.
- Removed Titanite Abomination.
- Increased soul drop from Corrupted Gundyr to 10,000.

# Treasure
- Shrine Handmaid now sells Ancient King set after Fallen Protector is killed.
- Demon Prince: Added Smelter Sword as a transposition.
- Added Dragonrider Halberd to Way of Blue covenant shop.
- Added Man Serpent Greatsword to Thieves' Pact covenant shop.
- Changed the Nestling trades:
 - Added 10 types of petrified stones, each reward a variety of consumables.
  - Singing Stone
  - Warbling Stone
  - Chanting Stone
  - Crooning Stone
  - Humming Stone
  - Shouting Stone
  - Whistling Stone
  - Chirping Stone
  - Groaing Stone
  - Purring Stone
 - Added 4 specific trades:
  - Estus Shard -> Handmaid's Ladle
  - Undead Bone Shard -> Great Lord Greatsword
  - Skull Ring -> 3 Titanite Slab
  - Rubbish -> Adventurer's Set

# Enemies
- Archive Scholar wax now reduces Magic absorption.
- Boreal Outrider Sentinel/Assassin now always drop Titanite Chunks or a Titanite Slab (80%/20%).
- Increased the HP and soul drop of the Boreal Outrider Sentinel/Assassin.

- Solaire of Astora now has the Strengthen Covenant functionality.
- Increased the damage scalar of a few early game intruders so their damage output isn't so low.

# Memories
- Made the baseline damage of enemies lower.
- Made the baseline soul drop of enemies higher in Memory of Strength.
- Changed Easy to be 0.5* to enemy damage and health. Reduces soul absorption by 50%.
- Changed Normal to be a 1.0* to enemy damage and health. No change to soul absorption. 
- Changed Hard to be a 1.5* to enemy damage and health. Increases soul absorption by 50%.
- Changed Very Hard to be a 1.75* to enemy damage and health. Increases soul absorption by 100%.
- Changed Mythic to be a 2.0* to enemy damage and health. Increases soul absorption by 150%.

# Map
- Reduced the number of flies in the Ariandel pit room to reduce the chance of hitting enemy limit and causing a CTD.
- Adjusted enemy count and layout in Lothric Castle to reduce the chance of hitting enemy limit and causing a CTD.
- Adjusted enemy count and layout in Grand Archives to reduce the chance of hitting enemy limit and causing a CTD.

- Archdragon Peak:
 - Added some enemies to the old Titanite Abomination area.
 - Moved Gaius the Mighty so he intrudes in the doorway that leaves the Titanite Abomination area.

- Filianore's Rest
 - Added roaming Fallen Abominations in the dunes after Slave Knight Gael is defeated.

- High Wall
 - Moved the Irithyll Knight into the back area of the Consumed Gardens.

- Smouldering Lake
 - Changed the upper rocky area in Smouldering Lake: now has demon corpses and a archtree stump instead of a tower
  - Moved Helia of the Lake near to the stump.
  - Added a Black Knight next to a Demon Firesage corpse.
 - The Ballista is now disabled by default.

- Untended Graves 
 - Changed the approach to Champion Gundyr
  - Now has a few more coffin objects
  - Removed the weak Undead Clerics, now there are 2 Black Knights.

# Summons
- Added Huntmaster Ava as a summon for Oceiros.

# Bugfixes
- Fixed duplicate localization keys causing some descriptions to be broken.
- Adjusted some weapon moves so flat damage addition doesn't cause them to rebound.
- Okami transformation should no longer hide hands.
- Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild intruder AI should now function
- Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild should now drop her items only once.
- Fixed Sanctum Mace & Black Scorpion Stinger's Weapon Art applying aux inflict other than Poison. 
- Fixed an oversight in the Backstep hks, should fix Fool's Sigil not working with backstep R1 attacks.
- Save and quitting after using the High Lord Wolnir bonfire should no longer place you at the Catacombs of Carthus bonfire when you reload.
- Save and quitting in Profaned Capital should no longer place you at the Irithyll Dungeon bonfire after you reload.
- Fixed Loch Shield's model.
- Supreme Black Flame Arc no longer reduces max FP.
- Fixed Hybrid Catalyst +10 reinforcement requiring 3 Titanite Slabs.
- Removed the sound effect that occurs when Benjin is disabled in Undead Settlement.
- Fixed Teleport not working correctly when not at 99 casting speed. It will now teleport you properly irrespective of casting speed.
- Fixed Mournful Flames' description.
- Restored Eleonora's lifesteal VFX.
- Fixed Sword Master phantom not using friendly battle goal.
- Fixed the FTH requirement of Gwynevere's Abnegation when casted with a Laughing infused spell tool.
- Fixed the INT/FTH requirements of Whisper of Despair.
- Fixed Domhnall of Zena talk.
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