Exile Armor Set
Exile Armor Set
Exile Armor Set Image
Exile Armor Set Image
Total Weight 45.0
Total Poise 62.57
Physical Absorption
Total Physical Absorption 40.150
Total Strike Absorption 36.573
Total Slash Absorption 38.379
Total Thrust Absorption 37.481
Elemental Absorption
Total Magic Absorption 30.936
Total Fire Absorption 41.885
Total Lightning Absorption 37.481
Total Dark Absorption 37.481
Total Bleed Resistance 226
Total Poison Resistance 171
Total Frost Resistance 143
curse.png 114

Exile Mask

Iron mask of the watchdogs of Farron's Keep.

After the Legion's Watchers became Lords
of Cinder, the wolf blood dried up,
and Farron was consumed by a festering wood.

Effect: increases Endurance by 2.

General Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances
Poise 12.7 Weight 6.7 Base Physical Defence 7.6 Strike Defence 6.8 Magic Defence 5.6 Fire Defence 8.0 Bleed Resistance 29 Poison Resistance 39
Durability 47 Sell Price / Soul Value 100 Slash Defence 7.2 Thrust Defence 7.0 Lightning Defence 7.0 Dark Defence 7.0 Frost Resistance 24 Curse Resistance 19

Exile Armor

Armor of the watchdogs of Farron's Keep.

After the Legion's Watchers became Lords
of Cinder, the wolf blood dried up,
and Farron was consumed by a festering wood.

Effect: increases Endurance by 2.

General Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances
Poise 34.0 Weight 18.0 Base Physical Defence 19.0 Strike Defence 17.0 Magic Defence 14.0 Fire Defence 20.0 Bleed Resistance 97 Poison Resistance 74
Durability 47 Sell Price / Soul Value 100 Slash Defence 18.0 Thrust Defence 17.5 Lightning Defence 17.5 Dark Defence 17.5 Frost Resistance 62 Curse Resistance 50

Exile Gauntlets

Gauntlets of the watchdogs of Farron's Keep.

After the Legion's Watchers became Lords
of Cinder, the wolf blood dried up,
and Farron was consumed by a festering wood.

Effect: increases Endurance by 2.

General Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances
Poise 12.7 Weight 6.7 Base Physical Defence 5.7 Strike Defence 5.1 Magic Defence 4.2 Fire Defence 6.0 Bleed Resistance 33 Poison Resistance 25
Durability 46 Sell Price / Soul Value 100 Slash Defence 5.4 Thrust Defence 5.3 Lightning Defence 5.3 Dark Defence 5.3 Frost Resistance 22 Curse Resistance 17

Exile Leggings

Leggings of the watchdogs of Farron's Keep.

After the Legion's Watchers became Lords
of Cinder, the wolf blood dried up,
and Farron was consumed by a festering wood.

Effect: increases Endurance by 2.

General Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances
Poise 25.5 Weight 13.5 Base Physical Defence 15.2 Strike Defence 13.6 Magic Defence 11.2 Fire Defence 16.0 Bleed Resistance 57 Poison Resistance 43
Durability 47 Sell Price / Soul Value 100 Slash Defence 14.4 Thrust Defence 14.0 Lightning Defence 14.0 Dark Defence 14.0 Frost Resistance 35 Curse Resistance 28

General Information




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Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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