Armor of Favor Set
Armor of Favor Set
Armor of Favor Set Image
Armor of Favor Set Image
Total Weight 32.0
Total Poise 55.59
Physical Absorption
Total Physical Absorption 32.852
Total Strike Absorption 28.984
Total Slash Absorption 30.936
Total Thrust Absorption 29.965
Elemental Absorption
Total Magic Absorption 30.936
Total Fire Absorption 30.936
Total Lightning Absorption 27.993
Total Dark Absorption 30.936
Total Bleed Resistance 153
Total Poison Resistance 111
Total Frost Resistance 122
curse.png 87

Helm of Favor

Helm of the pitiable Embraced knight.
Depicts the affection of the goddess Fina.

Adrift on a sea of isolation, only his faith in the love of his goddess remained true, and so the knight forsook all else.

Effect: increases max HP, max FP and max Stamina by 2.5%.

General Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances
Poise 10.8 Weight 4.8 Base Physical Defence 6.0 Strike Defence 5.2 Magic Defence 5.6 Fire Defence 5.6 Bleed Resistance 30 Poison Resistance 23
Durability 40 Sell Price / Soul Value 500 Slash Defence 5.6 Thrust Defence 5.4 Lightning Defence 5.0 Dark Defence 5.6 Frost Resistance 25 Curse Resistance 18

Embraced Armor of Favor

Armor of the pitiable Embraced knight.
Depicts the affection of the goddess Fina.

The face is crafted to depict the goddess's
embrace, quite ignoring the fact that her
love is in fact as fickle as the weather.

Effect: increases max HP, max FP and max Stamina by 2.5%.

General Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances
Poise 28.8 Weight 12.8 Base Physical Defence 15.0 Strike Defence 13.0 Magic Defence 14.0 Fire Defence 14.0 Bleed Resistance 63 Poison Resistance 46
Durability 40 Sell Price / Soul Value 500 Slash Defence 14.0 Thrust Defence 13.5 Lightning Defence 12.5 Dark Defence 14.0 Frost Resistance 51 Curse Resistance 35

Gauntlets of Favor

Gauntlets of the pitiable Embraced knight.
Depicts the affection of the goddess Fina.

Adrift on a sea of isolation, only his faith
in the love of his goddess remained true,
and so the knight forsook all else.

Effect: increases max HP, max FP and max Stamina by 2.5%.

General Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances
Poise 10.8 Weight 4.8 Base Physical Defence 4.5 Strike Defence 3.9 Magic Defence 4.2 Fire Defence 4.2 Bleed Resistance 19 Poison Resistance 13
Durability 38 Sell Price / Soul Value 500 Slash Defence 4.2 Thrust Defence 4.0 Lightning Defence 3.8 Dark Defence 4.2 Frost Resistance 14 Curse Resistance 10

Leggings of Favor

Leggings of the pitiable Embraced knight.
Depicts the affection of the goddess Fina.

Adrift on a sea of isolation, only his faith
in the love of his goddess remained true,
and so the knight forsook all else.

Effect: increases max HP, max FP and max Stamina by 2.5%.

General Physical Absorption Elemental Absorption Resistances
Poise 21.6 Weight 9.6 Base Physical Defence 12.0 Strike Defence 10.4 Magic Defence 11.2 Fire Defence 11.2 Bleed Resistance 41 Poison Resistance 29
Durability 38 Sell Price / Soul Value 500 Slash Defence 11.2 Thrust Defence 10.8 Lightning Defence 10.0 Dark Defence 11.2 Frost Resistance 32 Curse Resistance 24

General Information




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Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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