White Preacher Head
White Preacher Head
White Preacher Head Image
Poise 4.5 Durability 28
Weight 2.2 Sell Price / Soul Value 600
Physical Elemental
Base Physical Defence 3.2 Magic Defence 7.0
Strike Defence 2.4 Fire Defence 4.0
Slash Defence 2.8 Lightning Defence 7.0
Thrust Defence 2.6 Dark Defence 7.0
Bleed Resistance 17 Frost Resistance 24
Poison Resistance 28 Curse Resistance 250


An empty head of a white-faced locust
that rose from an abyssal swamp.

The white-faced locusts were meant to beckon men to the dark with sermons, but most of them are unable to think past their own stomachs. Someone must rise to the occasion, and restore the path of righteousness.

Effect: increases max FP by 5%.


  • Increases max FP by 5%.



Preacher-Front.jpg Preacher-Back.jpg
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